Let Them Be Kids

"LET THEM BE KIDS" is an all volunteer, non-profit organization created to build community capacity on the grassroots level; while building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks across Canada. These projects leave a legacy of community members who are inspired and better equipped to lay a strong foundation for a brighter tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


C'est avec grand plaisir que nous annonçons que l'école élémentaire catholique J.L. Couroux est bénéficiaire d'une bourse octroyée par l'organisation Let Them Be Kids!

L'initiative Let Them Be Kids est une première en son genre - Le programme
national aide les communautés, comme la nôtre, à construire des terrains de jeux dans les cours d'école.  Ce projet réunira les efforts de divers membres de la communauté et créera des liens solides pour un meilleur avenir.

Sachez que pour chaque dollar que vous contribuerez, l'organisation Let Them Be Kids fournira un montant d'argent égal à celui que nous aurons reccueilli.
Mille mercis à Let Them Be Kids!!! http://www.ltbk.ca/


It is with great appreciation that we announce that l' École élémentaire catholique J.-L.-Couroux are the recipients of the Let Them Be Kids award!

The Let Them Be Kids Initiative is a first of its kind, nation-wide program that helps communities build playgrounds in areas of need, while also building community capacity amongst citizens and laying a strong foundation for a brighter tomorrow.

Each dollar raised by our community for the playground will be matched by Let Them Be Kids! A BIG "Thank You" to Let Them Be Kids!!!!! http://www.ltbk.ca/

Félicitation de Let Them Be Kids - Let Them Be Kids Congratulations Video

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